『Learn the skills of the masters thoroughly and evolve it 』(ディスカバー21)
『OJT Management: Encouraging Employees to be Self-driven 』(フォレスト)
『KPI management』(フォレスト出版)
『Data-oriented productivity improvement』(かんき出版)
『Business skill principles』(フォレスト出版)
『Inverted Thinking』(秀和システム)
『7 secrets of getting your perfect Sales Job!』(東洋経済新報社)
『Principles of Recruit work style』(全日出版)
『Recruit tells sales people how to develop their skills』(全日出版)
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1st, The project theme is that NMI can contribute to.
2nd, The project theme is that NMI is interested in.
3rd, You and NMI want starting this project together.
We can start one-shot lecture or short duration, 2 to 3 month consulting projects first to know each other. And we can start long-term project as needed afterwards.
One lecture for approximately two hours is 300,000 yen (tax-excluded) + transportation expenses.
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